
The Alfred Deakin Institute’s governance includes a Director’s Office, an Executive, Advisory Board and an International Reference Group.
Director’s office
The Director’s Office is made up of our Director, Deputy Directors and administrative staff.

Deakin Distinguished Prof Fethi Mansouri
Administrative and Professional Team
Ms Ciara Barker
Ms Maryanne Borg
Dr Jasmin Chen
Ms Karly Stafford
Ms Jennifer Stepanov
Ms Kathryn Tafra
Our Executive provides advice to the Institute Director on a range of strategic matters.
Executive Group
Dr Rose Butler
Dr Ali Mozaffari
Prof Anita Harris
A/Prof Holly High
Prof David Bright
Dr Luke Heemsbergen
Prof Michele Grossman AM
A/Prof Timothy Neale
Ex Officio
Prof Andrew Hope
Prof Andrea Witcomb
Prof David Lowe
Prof Miguel Vatter
Ms Karly Stafford
Advisory Board
Our Advisory Board provides the Institute with high-level advice on a range of strategic matters including the Institute strategic research plan.
The Hon (MP) Brad Rowswell
The Hon (MP) Katie Hall
Prof Iain Martin
Prof Fazal Rizvi
Prof Peter Spearritt
Prof Simon Tormey
Dr B. (Hass) Dellal AO
Dr Dalal Smiley
Ms Farah Farouque
Ms Carmel Guerra
Mr Ahmet Keskin
Contact the Executive Officer, Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation:
Karly Stafford
+61 3 5227 2793
International Reference Group
The International Reference Group provides advice to our Director and Executive on a range of strategic matters.
Prof Roland Axtmann
Prof Philomena Essed
Prof Patrick Imbert
Prof Peter Kivisto
Prof Tariq Modood
Prof Paul Morris
Prof Anna Triandafyllidou
Prof Bryan Turner
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