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Call for papers for ‘After Liberalism’ conference

Call for papers for ‘After Liberalism’ conference

The Alfred Deakin Institute’s flagship annual international conference will engage with the many challenges confronting the liberal order in the contemporary global political landscape.

The second half of the twentieth century saw the emergence of a liberal world order dominated by the US and Europe. However, recent events have revealed just how fragile the liberal world order is. On both sides of the Atlantic, demagogues have tapped into deep reservoirs of resentment, spruiking isolationism and xenophobia as a panacea for inequalities. Meanwhile, the axis of global power has tilted towards several illiberal regimes that have quickly emerged as economic and political powerhouses.

This evolving political landscape raises pressing questions for the future of global politics. Are we witnessing the end of the liberal world order? And, if so, what future does democracy have in an illiberal world? This conference will bring together leading scholars and practitioners across the disciplines of Politics and International Relations to engage with these questions across the following four key themes:

  • Populism, Immigration and Inequality

  • Liberalism, Security and Foreign Policy

  • Sustainability and Climate Change

  • Democracy and Public Deliberation


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