ADI Lunchtime Seminar – Dr Leanne Kelly: Wahid Foundation Peace Village Program Evaluation

ADI Lunchtime Seminar – Dr Leanne Kelly: Wahid Foundation Peace Village Program Evaluation
Event Date & Times:
Wednesday, 20 September 2023 12:00 pm - 1:00 pmEvent Venue:
Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation‚ Deakin University 221 Burwood HighwayBurwood, VIC, 3125, Australia ( Map )Please join us on Wednesday 20 September for our next ADI Lunchtime Seminar, where Dr Leanne Kelly will be presenting her research on the “Wahid Foundation Peace Village Program Evaluation”.
The ADI lunchtime seminars are an opportunity for a relaxed, informal, monthly discussion of current research projects and recent publications over a 60-minute lunch session. An associated ADI researcher speaks for 20-30 minutes followed by 20-30 minutes of Q&A discussion.
We invite contributions from any researcher, or team of researchers, associated with ADI, from proposed and in-progress projects through to completed research and publications. ECRs are especially welcome.
The Peace Village program in Java seeks to counter violent extremism through a women-led community-based model that empowers women as agents of change. The program promotes peace and inclusivity through focusing activities on tolerance building, conflict resolution, gender equity, women’s empowerment, entrepreneurship, and participatory local governance. This strategy seeks to increase economic wellbeing and opportunity, equity, social cohesion, mutual understanding, and individual agency, as well as raising awareness of violent extremism and gender-based violence (GBV) to strengthen community resilience.
Leanne Kelly is a pracademic in the fields of humanitarianism, development, and evaluation studies within NGOs. Her work focuses on crises including conflict, violence, extremism, disasters, trauma, and protection. She is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow on a 3.5-year ARC Linkage project led by A/Prof Anthony Ware and Prof Greg Barton exploring appropriate humanitarian-development NGO responses to preventing/countering violent extremism in Asia and Africa. She is also the National Evaluation Advisor at the Australian Red Cross.
Our speaker will be presenting in-person at Burwood (C2.05.01), but you can also join us via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 839 2707 3754 | please email for the password.
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