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Polis Journal Article Workshop

Polis Journal Article Workshop

Event Venue:

Deakin Burwood Corporate Centre 221 Burwood HighwayBurwood, VIC, 3125, Australia ( Map )

Please join as two Polis members present their ‘work in progress’ as they develop an article for submission to a leading journal in our fields

Please join as two Polis members present their ‘work in progress’ as they develop an article for submission to a leading journal in our fields. This is a rare opportunity for you to provide feedback and constructive criticism to colleagues as they develop their work.  Please join as two Polis members present their ‘work in progress’ as they develop an article for submission to a leading journal in our fields. This is a rare opportunity for you to provide feedback and constructive criticism to colleagues as they develop their work.  

Co-ordinator: A/Prof David Hundt (Deakin University) 

Event: Friday 13 October 2023, 12-3pm (AEST) [Includes Catered Lunch] 

HYBRID: In-Person: Burwood Corporate Centre; Zoom: Meeting ID: 870 1049 0346 | Please contact for the password or to RSVP for in-person attendance for catering purposes.


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