POLIS Seminar: National Approaches to Climate Security

POLIS Seminar: National Approaches to Climate Security
Event Date & Times:
Friday, 25 August 2023 1:00 pm - 2:30 pmEvent Venue:
Deakin Burwood Corporate Centre 221 Burwood HighwayBurwood, VIC, 3125, Australia ( Map )States increasingly recognise the security implications of climate change, but it’s far from self-evident that this translates into similar conceptions of the threats posed or necessary responses to it.
States increasingly recognise the security implications of climate change, but it’s far from self-evident that this translates into similar conceptions of the threats posed or necessary responses to it. This paper, part of an ongoing ARC-funded comparative project, notes different choices made by a number of states who have acknowledged the security implications of climate change, exploring in the process the origins of these choices and their implications for policy and practice.
A/Prof Matt McDonald (University of Queensland); Chair: Dr Peter Ferguson (Deakin University)
HYBRID: In-Person: Burwood Corporate Centre; Zoom: Meeting ID: 844 5921 8354; contact benjamin.isakhan@deakin.edu.au for password.
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