Polis Seminar: The Personality of a Personality Cult

Polis Seminar: The Personality of a Personality Cult
Event Date & Times:
Friday, 1 July 2022 1:00 pm - 2:30 pmEvent Venue:
ZoomSupporters of former U.S. president Donald Trump are frequently described as a ‘cult of personality’ in the mainstream media, for uncritically following their leader – but what draws them to him?
Supporters of former U.S. president Donald Trump are frequently described as a ‘cult of personality’ in the mainstream media, for uncritically following their leader – but what draws them to him? Using our original U.S. survey data from April 2021, we consider whether a particular personality type based on the ‘big five’ personality dimensions characterizes Trump’s most loyal supporters, and might help drive their enduring attraction to him.
Polis Seminar
Prof Benjamin E. Goldsmith (Australian National University)
Dr Lars J. K. Moen (University of Vienna)
Dr Zim Nwokora (Deakin University)
Location: Zoom ID 880 1654 9495
Contact: benjamin.isakan@deakin.edu.au for password