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Understanding Everyday Resilience

Understanding Everyday Resilience

This online event will be held from Tuesday 5 – Thursday 7 October 2021 (beginning 9 am AEDT each day), with the conference running over two days on 5-6 October, and the Tackling Hate Workshop on 7 October.

Violent extremism and conspiracy theories, a global pandemic, social and economic inequalities, climate change and fears for the future are all putting pressure on the systems and structures that support individual and community wellbeing. 

While we often think of resilience as something that we need only in times of acute crisis or adversity, it is the building blocks of ‘everyday resilience’ that can actually help us cope and thrive in the face of both acute and chronic stresses. What ‘everyday’ forms of resilience and resilience resources help us deal with crises? And how can we strengthen resilience as an everyday rather than ‘as needed’ practice?

We have an excellent range of presentations, panels and workshops from Australian and international researchers and practitioners lined up. This conference will help spark insight and dialogue on new ways of thinking about and enacting everyday resilience in local and global contexts, and we very much hope that you will be able to join us via Zoom.

Full details and registration are available on the CRIS website.


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