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Visual Methods: Social Research Broaching Distance in Challenging Times

Visual Methods: Social Research Broaching Distance in Challenging Times

At a time when most of us are coming to terms with the need to think in new ways about how we approach social research, the People, Place, Heritage stream invites you to a panel featuring researchers conducting innovative projects using a variety of visual methods.

The panel will discuss methods for working with visual materials and social networking platforms in relation to compelling social situations.

Presenters will share methodological back stories to research publications via a series of case studies.

Participants will read three research papers in advance and come along keen to engage in discussion about how we can creatively broach distance between our locked-down selves and the settings in which we usually conduct research.


Melinda Hinkson, A/Prof in Anthropology, ADI – ‘Imaging crisis in Indigenous Australia and Canada: Towards an analysis of neoliberal primitivism’ (with Lara Fullenwieder)

Misha Myers, Senior Lecturer in Art and Performance, SCCA – ‘Walking again lively: Towards an ambulant and conversive methodology of performance and research’

Signe Ravn, Senior Lecturer in Sociology, University of Melbourne – “What is ‘publicly available data’? Exploring blurred public-private boundaries and ethical practices through a case study on Instagram” (with Ashley Barnwell and Barbara Neves)

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