Funding success for The Centre for Resilient and Inclusive Societies (CRIS)

Funding success for The Centre for Resilient and Inclusive Societies (CRIS)
The Centre for Resilient and Inclusive Societies (CRIS), led by the Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation hosted by Deakin University has been delighted to receive $1,018,000 in further funding from the Victorian Department of Justice and Community Safety over 18 months following the completion of CRIS’s initial five-year period of research program support by the Victorian Government.
This funding was achieved in a very challenging government budgetary environment and attests to the impact achieved by the Centre’s consortium-based projects over the last five years. During this period, CRIS produced a range of high-impact projects, publications and policy submissions across its four thematic streams focusing on diversity, young people and wellbeing; racism and belonging; building resilience to social harms including violent extremism; and understanding the dynamics of violent extremism.
As the independent evaluation of CRIS’s first five years revealed, ‘CRIS has influenced or contributed to new or changed policies and initiatives as evidenced by the number and type of CRIS engagements with government for the specific purpose of “championing new knowledge and research at the policy level”, and specific examples of this occurring have been identified… CRIS is making positive contributions, including ensuring that individuals, organisations, communities and governments are more confident in accessing, engaging in, and using the research and knowledge’ produced by the Centre.
CRIS 2.0’ builds on these strengths and also takes up recommendations from the evaluation to further enhance our mission to embed academic-community co-design and partnerships through how we design and deliver our projects and translation outcomes for both communities and government.
Six projects have been supported for this next phase of CRIS, focusing on enhancing government-community trust; academic-community-government co-design principles; online social cohesion; youth futures; recruitment to violent extremism in Victoria, and the relationship between misogyny and forms of violent extremism.
The consortium now includes Deakin University (lead), Victoria University, Western Sydney University, the Australian Multicultural Foundation and the Centre for Multicultural Youth.