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Funding Success – Michele Grossman, Mario Peucker and Hass Dellal AO

Funding Success – Michele Grossman, Mario Peucker and Hass Dellal AO

Shahram Akbarzadeh and Zahid Ahmed have secured funding from Tetra Tech International Developments for a project titled “Capacity Building for the Management Team of the Indonesian Islamic International University”.

Shahram Akbarzadeh and Zahid Ahmed have secured $279,791 from Tetra Tech International Developments for a project titled “Capacity Building for the Management Team of the Indonesian Islamic International University”.

Project Description

The Australia Awards are prestigious international Scholarships and Short Courses funded by the Australian Government. They offer the next generation of global leaders an opportunity to undertake study, research and professional development in Australia. Short Courses are a key component of the Australia Awards in Indonesia program.

The goals and purpose of Australia Awards in Indonesia are underpinned by three program outcomes. These are:

  1. the alumni’s use of knowledge, attitude and skills to influence their professional fields and communities

  2. the linkages between the alumni and Australians and Australian organisations

  3. the positive perceptions that Alumni have of Australia and Australians

Deakin will deliver a short course titled Capacity Building for the Management Team of the Indonesian Islamic International University.  This course provides participants with opportunities to benchmark the way Australian universities manage their internationalisation, financial management and IT. The course also aims to develop institutional links between the Indonesian International Islamic University (IIIU) and Australian universities. The course aims to ensure Australia remains a trusted partner, this course is one of the ways to connect Australian education institutions with IIIU to support the capacity of the University’s management team. The course provider (selected through an open tender process) will also have an opportunity to create their own institutional links with IIIU.

The course will focus on building the management team’s capacity in:

  1. Internationalising the university – projecting IIIU as an international university

  2. Financial stability

  3. IT in the university context


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