Funding Success – Shahram Akbarzadeh and Jacinta Carroll

Funding Success – Shahram Akbarzadeh and Jacinta Carroll
We are delighted to announce that ADI’s Shahram Akbarzadeh and Jacinta Carroll have secured a major contract to deliver an Australia Awards Indonesia program on Women in Leadership in the Security Sector.
We are delighted to announce that ADI’s Shahram Akbarzadeh and Jacinta Carroll have secured a major contract to deliver an Australia Awards Indonesia program on Women in Leadership in the Security Sector. This program is funded by DFAT and administered by Tetra Tech International Development. It aims to enhance the participation of women in Indonesian security agencies.
The program is coordinated by the Australian Embassy in Jakarta. 26 women from a number of agencies in Indonesia are selected to take part in this program, including the National Police, the National Counter Terrorism Agency (BNPT) and the Indonesian Navy.
This exciting program will enhance the capacity of Indonesian women in the security sector to take leadership positions and attract more women to this sector. It will also generate new networks with counterparts in Australia and facilitate the sharing of experience and learnings. Each participant will be mentored to implement an Award project to advance gender sensitivity and decision-making. One participant said: ‘I want to learn strategies that we can implement to attract more women in the field.’
Our Deputy Director Professor Shahram Akbarzadeh says the program builds on ADI’s successful record of exciting work with Indonesian partners in the past few years under AAI scheme and will strengthen people to people ties between Australia and Indonesia. It will highlight our common bond and interest in social justice.
The Indonesian women will meet and network with leading Australian women in the security sector, including Sergeant Leanne Lomas, International Command Gender Advisor, Australian Federal Police (AFP) & Group Captain Ruth Elsley CSC, Director, Australian Command and Staff Course, Australian War College.
For more information about this program, please visit
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