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Message from the Director | Spring 2024

Message from the Director | Spring 2024

Dear ADI friends, partners and colleagues, 

I want to highlight in particular our colleagues’ success in category 2-4 funding schemes (industry and other government schemes) as well as our ongoing success in various Australian Research Council schemes. 

ADI once again did exceptionally well in the latest round of the ARC DECRA scheme, with both Dr Charishma Ratnam and Dr Sophie Adams successful in this round.  

We are also delighted to share individual successes including: 

What a busy quarter it has been at the Institute, with many of our major events taking place in the past few months. These have included the UNESCO Chair Oration, Alfred Deakin Institute Oration and our first conference since the disruptions of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021, “Remaking Futures: Justice, Equality and Global Flourishing”. 

We also celebrate several books being published this quarter by ADI colleagues, including Islamist Parties and Power in Democratic Nation-States authored by Professor Ihsan Yilmaz and Responding to Violent and Hateful Extremism edited by Associate Professor Anthony Ware, Dr Leanne Kelly and Professor Greg Barton. 

This quarter also saw the launch of several impactful research reports, including a launch for two new reports that shed light on multicultural Australia and a research report that examines trust relationships between government and communities that play a role in developing resilience to social harms. 

As always, our colleagues continue to lead the way in relation to public dissemination and engagement with nearly 600 media appearances this year so far, spread across both national and international media outlets. 

I look forward to continuing our great work together in 2025. 

With best wishes and kind regards, 



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