Building capacity for Tunisian NGOs working with disadvantaged communities

Building capacity for Tunisian NGOs working with disadvantaged communities
This project aims to help Tunisian NGOs build capacity by supporting them to create and implement innovative pilot projects to improve social equity for marginalised communities.
Social and economic inequalities spurred Tunisia’s 2011 revolution, but the promises of successive post-revolution governments to improve the lives of the most marginalised people and build a more egalitarian society remain largely unfulfilled. Today the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic are further worsening the precarity of many Tunisians’ lives. This, coupled with the inability of successive governments to bring about promised social change, makes the role of NGOs in reducing inequalities and aiding marginalised communities ever more important. This project aims to help Tunisian NGOs build capacity by supporting them create and implement innovative pilot projects to improve social equity for marginalised communities. To do this, we have partnered with seven NGOs in Tunisia, and worked with them, to build their skills in developing and implementing pilot projects to in disadvantaged communities, particularly in remote and regional areas.
Fethi Mansouri
Amanual Elias
Rebecca Buys working with Tasneem Chopra
Project Funding
This project is funded by a grant from the Council for Australian-Arab Relations